Have You Been Feeling Stuck?
Plagued by Overthinking?
Perfectionism keeping you from Making decisions?
Feeling like an Imposter?
Keep Getting in your Own Way?
Trouble finding Meaning or Purpose?
I'm Dr. V., as a Performance Therapist, I've had the opportunity to help High-Performing Professionals (and those who WANT to be) overcome their struggle with Excessive Thinking, achieving Self-Standards, Negativity, Burnout, Self-Doubt...and Self Sabotage!
I'm here to help you learn how to become UN-“stuck” (and stay that way!), by nurturing your mental well-being and integrating balance into your life, teaching you the skills, to cultivate sustainable High Performance Habits.
Curious to find out more?
Contact Dr.V
IG : Dr.VRich
VR Performance Consulting Anxiety High Functioning anxiety
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Take the Performer Indicator Quiz
Ready to Transform Your Mental Performance?
Tired of these challenges/anxieties holding you back?
Let's get started on your Performance Journey together, learning High Performance Strategies, and developing Sustainable Success Skills that get you Thriving, not just Surviving.
Join me for a Free 15 minute consultation
In the consultation we will discuss how challenges show up in your life and your performance (because that's unique) and adjust a strategy, tool or skill to work better for you.