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Work with Dr.V

Overcoming obstacles that keep you from performing your best...

Is Possible ​

High Performer Challenges
Identify Yours

High Performer Challenges
Identify Yours

Enhance Your Performance/Mental Well-Being

Feeling like you've tried everything?

Want to understand your strengths and identify areas for growth? 

Would you like personalized performance strategies designed just for you?



Defeat Imposter Syndrome 

Have you been questioning your worth, ability or competence?

Do you want to develop a mindset rooted in self-assurance, confidence, positive internal narrative, and authenticity to defeat it?



Unravel Uncertainty

Does intense competition, changing landscapes, or high stakes cause a sense of panic or pause?

Do you need things to be 'just so'?

Is 'what if' a common question in your mind?

Have you been feeling powerless about the direction of your life?

Dr. Vernice Richards, Dr.V, Human Performance Specialist, Works with clients on the symptoms of High Functioning Anxiety, Overthinking, Comparison, Perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome, Negativity
Dr. Vernice Richards, Dr.V, Human Performance Specialist, Works with clients on the symptoms of High Functioning Anxiety, Overthinking, Comparison, Perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome, Negativity

Overcome Overthinking 

Want to get out of your head?

Have you had trouble making decisions?

Is there a cycle of excessive thinking always going on?

Does the idea of approaching situations with a clear mind sounds like bliss?



Beat Perfectionism

Do you criticize yourself for not doing good enough?

Is the idea of failure paralyzing? 

Have you found yourself procrastinating or filled with self-doubt?

Do you hold yourself to a different standard than other people?



Reduce Negativity

Would like to see the glass as 'half-full' a bit more?

Do you talk to yourself in a way that you might be ashamed of to say out-loud?

Do you replay 'bad' negative memories and have trouble letting it go? 

Feeling seen by any of these Performance Challenges?

You've probably done the work and identified yourself in one or more of these challenges.

Armed with Self-Awareness,
-You know you're Hyper Independent,
-You know you Self-Sabotage, in one or more ways.


So what's next? 

Is knowing what you do and why you do enough?

Spoiler Alert...Self Awareness is NOT the end of your mental health, mental wellness, or performance journey.


There is another step that many High Performing Professionals miss.

That's Change Awareness. 

This is the next step!

Building upon the Self-Awareness you have already cultivated as a High Performance Professional.


Get empowered to become actionable on the awareness insights and navigate them more constructively.

Change Awareness is what comes AFTER Self Awareness

Are you ready to dive deeper into
your journey towards sustained Mental Performance?

Work with Dr. Vernice Richards
Dr. Vernice Richards, Overthinking, Imposter Syndrome, Perfectionism

Tired of  Self Sabotaging your Progress?

Feel Like you've Tried Everything?


It's time to put the work in on yourself in a way you haven't tried yet.

Let's begin your Performance Journey together; learn Success Strategies and develop Sustainable Habits.


Let's get you Thriving, not just Surviving.


Join me for a Free 15 minute consultation​


In the consultation we will discuss how Performance challenges show up for you, optimize a strategy, tool or skill to work better for you...or even create a Personalized Performance Plan.

Work with Dr. Vernice Richards
Work with Dr. Vernice Richards
Work with Dr. Vernice Richards

What do High  Performers 'GET' by working on their

Mental Performance?

High Potential

By doing Self-Work, High Potential Individuals give themselves permission to unlock their full potential, continuously grow, and stand out in competitive environments.

High Achieving 

Because by investing in your own development, high achievers continually improve their skills, knowledge, and mindset, enabling them to reach new levels of success and fulfillment, by honing strengths and addressing weaknesses, they become more efficient and productive.

High Functioning

High Functioning Individuals seek proactive and protective measures to manage the mental health conditions/challenges they face. They build resilience, develop self-awareness, prevent lapses and burnout to sustain their level of functioning.​

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