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Human Performance Blog

5 TOXIC Trends of 2024

2024 exposed some toxic trends that have deeply affected mental health and wellness.

Social media feeds were filled with messages like “Good vibes only!” or extreme wellness hacks promising perfection, but instead of helping us thrive, these trends often left us feeling drained, inadequate, or just plain stuck.

If you’ve caught yourself chasing the next big thing or questioning why you’re not feeling as "fulfilled" as everyone else seems to be, you’re not alone.

Toxic Trends in 2024

Let’s explore what made 2024 so toxic, and how you can leave those patterns behind as you step into 2025.

1 - New Year, New Me

This catchy phrase started the year of Toxic Trends with an unrealistic push for immediate transformation in January.

Setting us up for failure, reinforcing feelings of inadequacy and neglecting the value of gradual, consistent


2 - The "Always-On" Culture

Remote work became the most desirable for work-life balance, but the constant

connectivity came with a counter effect.

The expectation to be available 24/7 led to boundary collapse fostering burnout, anxiety, and exhaustion.

3 - 'Good Vibes Only'

As the year got more stressful the pressure to always be "happy" and "positive" began to overshadow or the importance of authentic emotional expression. Many people were left feeling ashamed of negative emotions and invalidated in their struggles.

4 - Extreme "Wellness"

This trend was marked by a constant drive for physical and mental perfection. Pushing unrealistic standards, and amplifying feelings of inadequacy with little room for self-acceptance.

Leading many to the dangerous pursuit of "better" at the expense of their well-being.

5 - Online Sharing

The constant trend of the year was a demand for unfiltered vulnerability online. This led to emotional exhaustion

comparison anxiety, and a warped sense of connection.

Most toxic was the sharing of

personal struggles for validation

rather than healing.

Falling victim to these toxic trends doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Recognizing the toll they’ve taken is the first step toward reclaiming your peace and finding healthier ways to move forward.

Let's draft your 2025 together.


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