P2: Rethinking Stress as an Ally
This second step will no doubt make your brain hurt, because i'm asking you to think about this in a way that you're probably not used to. But hey, that's why we're here right!?!
To MindShift, to switch things up and to do things differently.
If the first blog was about recognizing stress, this one is about reimagining it.
We often hear that stress is bad for our health, our productivity, and our well-being.
It often gets a bad rap because we’ve been conditioned to think of it as something that only tears us down. But stress is also what pushes us to grow...it's in the fabric of everything we do and experience.
Consider how athletes experience stress. The pressure to perform in a competition isn’t just nerve-wracking; it’s also what drives them to improve their skills, train harder, and reach new levels of performance. The same principle applies in everyday life.
So...What if we started to see stress as more than just a negative force in our lives?
The truth is, stress is not inherently bad, and it exists in everything.
Think of stress like an internal GPS. It’s constantly recalculating, giving you directions based on what’s happening around you. In fact, it can be a powerful signal—one that tells us what matters most to us and where we might need to make adjustments in our lives. Whether it’s a lack of, or excess of clarity, resources, or confidence.
Stress-Free is not a Thing...yikes, I know...Breathe!
Everything we do has a element of stress associated with it...
From this mornings stretch to the pressure on the keys as I type this, to the work your eyes and brain are doing as you read this...is the effect of stress.
I dare you to challenge me on this one! DARE Dr.V
Stress manifests differently for everyone. Some feel it in their minds—racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, or a sense of dread. Others feel it in their bodies—tight muscles, headaches, or fatigue. By tuning into how you experience stress, you can better understand what it’s signaling.
By paying attention, reimagining stress and creating patterns, so you can start using stress as a tool. A tool to help you figure out, if whatever you are experiencing is something you need to run away from or towards!
De-stressing could be keeping you from proper Stress Management
When we talk about de-stressing, it’s usually as a way to escape the discomfort of stress. But what if, instead of escaping, we leaned into it with curiosity? Getting in touch with what our stress is trying to communicate.
De-stressing is unhelpful when it's about ignoring stress or pushing it away. It’s helpful when it's about giving yourself the space to listen to what stress is telling you.
Ever feel more (emotionally) tired when back at work after a 'vacation'? or feel like you need to keep doing 'self care' activities or you'll burst? Then you've not been listening to your stress...you've been band-aiding (I just made that word up, I think)
Putting a band aid on stress, won't make it go anywhere. It doesn't fix or heal, in fact, it will be right there waiting for you where you left it...and it'll be just as excited to see you when you come back as a puppy is when left alone for too long.
Instead of letting stress overwhelm you or ignoring it - whichever shoe fits - try asking yourself: “What is this stress trying to tell me?”
One of the most powerful ways to reframe stress is to see it as a compass pointing toward what truly matters to you.
It can often highlight areas where you need more support, preparation, or confidence.
It can point out what you care deeply about, even if it feels uncomfortable.
It can identify where you might need to add some challenge.
Fighting past the urge to self-soothe, to band-aid, creates room to process your stress, to find clarity and insight...aka it'll be helpful!
Does this sound easy? Well, it ain't!
Stress isn't always easy to navigate.
But when you approach stress with curiosity rather than fear, you can use it to your advantage.
Instead of trying to push stress it away, ask yourself: “What is this here to teach me?”
You might find that it’s offering insights into what you need—whether it’s more rest, more preparation, or simply a different mindset.
The next time you feel stressed, remember: it’s not just (or only) a signal of what’s wrong.
It’s also a reminder of what’s important to you and a chance to grow stronger in the process.
How can seeing stress, reimagining stress help you get stronger?
Stay tuned for the final part in this series...Part 3 - The Strengths of Stress
In the meantime, let's chat about how stress shows up in EVERYTHING...send me an example of something you consider 'stress-free'....this'll be fun - I dare you!