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Human Performance Blog

Switching Your Brain Off

Ever had those moments where you wish you could just flip a switch and shut off your thoughts?

It's like your brain's stuck on a loop, and you just want it to stop.

Whether it's to be able to think clearly, make a decision, or even to just get some sleep.

Light Bulb

But here's the thing: you can’t actually shut down or shut off your thoughts.

I know, not exactly what you wanted to hear, right?

The more you try to suppress or ignore them, the more they'll seem to multiply. It’s like trying to push a beach ball underwater—it might stay down for a second, but it'll eventually pop back up with even more force.

So, what can you do instead of fighting this not-so-good fight with your mind?

Well, the key is to not fight it at all!

Here are three strategies that can help you make peace with your thoughts and actually work with them, rather than against them.

So you can get some PEACE!


Invite Those Thoughts In…Get Curious

I know it sounds a bit odd, but hear me out. Instead of slamming the door in the face of your thoughts, invite those pesky thoughts in for a little conversation. When you notice a thought that’s making you feel anxious or stressed, take a moment to get curious about it. Ask yourself, “Why is this thought here? What is it trying to tell me?”

By approaching your thoughts with curiosity, you take away some of their power. They become less of a looming threat and more of a puzzle to be solved.

For example, if you keep thinking, "I'm going to mess up this X," ask yourself where that's coming from. Is it because of a past experience, or maybe a fear of judgment?

Getting curious helps you understand the root cause, and once you do, it’s easier to address it.


Challenge the Validity…Get Real

Once you've invited your thoughts in and gotten curious, it's time to get real with them. Not every thought that crosses your mind is true or valid, yet we often take them at face value. This is where you put on your detective hat and challenge the validity of those thoughts. Ask yourself, “Is this thought based on facts or just fear?” or “What evidence do I have to support or refute this thought?”

Let’s say you’re thinking, “I’m not capable of handling something.” Challenge that by looking at your track record. Have you handled similar things before?

Often, you'll find that these negative thoughts are more rooted in emotion than reality.


Change the Way You’re Thinking…Get Reframed

Now that you've had a conversation with your thoughts and challenged their validity, it's time to change the narrative. This is where reframing comes into play.

Reframing is about shifting your perspective to view a situation in a more positive or neutral light. It’s not about ignoring reality but finding a different way to look at it.

For instance, if your thought is, “I always fail” try reframing it to, “Trying new things is challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to learn and grow.” This simple shift in wording can make a big difference in how you feel and respond to the situation.

It turns a negative, self-defeating thought into a more constructive one.

It's Not an OFF Switch But...Its The Next Best Thing

By actively engaging with your thoughts through these strategies, you begin to dismantle their power. Instead of being at the mercy of every negative or spiraling thought that pops up, you gain the ability to respond rather than react.

Imagine the relief of not having to wrestle with every thought that crosses your mind.

Instead of feeling like you’re constantly fighting an uphill battle, you can learn to navigate your thoughts with a sense of ease and confidence.

It doesn't mean the thoughts will stop coming, but it does mean they won't control you. And that, is a pretty powerful place to be.

So, the next time you find yourself with all the lights on between your ears, try these strategies.

Whether you need the clear head to make an important decision, perform in a sport without the self doubt, open up some space for creativity in your art or navigate a relationship conflict, you’ll find that you have more control over your inner dialogue than you ever realized...

Doesn’t this sound nice? 😊

If you've made it to the end of this blog, then i'm sure this isn't your first investigation into an OVERTHINKING MIND. If your thoughts keep popping up like that beach ball...lets chat.

Still on the hunt for answers...

Wondering WHY you Overthink? Check out this BLOG


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